
Gaza Under Fire: Relevance of United Nations in 21st Century

Aiman Wasia for Beyondheadlines

In two weeks of Israel-Gaza conflict, more than 400 innocent civilians died in Gaza Stripe. What United Nation is doing and what is the meaning of its Article 2nd & 3rd which state: “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty”, and “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person”.

The United Nations, formed out of the horrors of the World War II with the overarching purpose of preventing this kind of total war from ever happening again. Its formation came after the failures of the League of Nations, an international organization that had the same lofty goal of preventing war. The UN sought out to overcome the Leagues failures by through embedding itself into all aspects of the international community setting up organizations such as the General Assembly, Security Council, International Court of Justice, the World Bank, and later on the International Atomic Energy Agency and its Development Programme.

Many experts agree that “modern” terrorism began with the 1968 hijacking of El Al Israel Flight 426 by a Palestinian terrorist organization. Every time the United Nations condemned the action, but failed to take any further action. These terrorist acts continued throughout the remainder of the twentieth century, with no reaction from the UN; a simple condemnation was as far as they would go. Now in 21st century we are preparing ourselves for World War III – A possible end of civilization.

But the political consequences of dependence on oil are increasingly evident in a range of different ways especially related to oil politics in Arab regions by developed countries. In the context of the ‘war on terror,’ the United States’ presence in Afghanistan and Iraq has led to questions about the extent to which securing access to oil has motivated these conflicts.

As I believe, the foundation of the United Nations was rooted in some selfish elitist scheme to more easily control people rather than to act as some angelic international body of peace, then why would any modern day peace, love and freedom supporter believe the UN holds answers to solutions on the world’s greatest problems? The ideal behind the UN is beautiful but the reality from the beginning was masked in deceit and outright stupidity. The presented notion was that all peace-loving countries would band together in a world where war would be avoided and harmony would reign through cooperation and fairness. There have been more wars and more bloodshed since the advent of the UN than at any time before.

Is it any wonder that we now have a World Monetary Fund, a World Bank, a World Trade Organization, World Peacekeeping Forces, a World Court, and every other world thing, while the world keeps spiraling in a materialistic ball of ignorance and selfishness and fear and violence? This lovely world, based on the U.N. blueprint, is working just fine for those who created it for themselves, but it does not work for everyday people and it does not work, at its root level, with compassion and concern for love and freedom.

[Views expressed are personal, may not reflect editorial policy.]


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