BeyondHeadlines News Desk
New Delhi: The CBI in a supplementary chargesheet indicted MP Kinimozhi, DMK CM Karunanadhi’s daughter as co-conspirator with A Raja in the 2G scam. Accused of accepting a bribe she is asked to appear in Delhi Court on May 6th.
The chargesheet reveal, the circumstances that establish Rs.200 cores and the rest as interest on it, as a maze of unreal business deals. It states how the money went about ,” Dynamix Reality to Kalaighar TV through Kesegaon Fruits and Vegetable and Cineyug Films as not genuine business transaction but in the nature of illegal gratification paid in lieu of the UAS Licences, Valuable Spectrum and other undue benefits given by the accused public servants to Swan Telecom.”
It further indentified a criminal conspiracy , established through CBI investigation in which A Raja, Sharad Kumar, Kanimozhi, accepted and received illegal gratification of Rs200 crores in KTV from Shahid Balwa and Vinod Goenka. In return, Raja awarded UAS Licences, valuable and scare spectrum in several telecom companies and other undue favours to Swam Telecom during 2008-9.
Former Telecom Minister A . Raja sold spectrum and mobile network licence at throw away prices to companies that did not meet government guidelines.Swam Telecom had sent Rs.214 Crores as kickback on securing the contract. The amount was diversified to various sources but mostly Kalignar TV, owned 60% by Dayalu Ammal and 20% by Kanimozhi; Kaununanadhi’s daughter and wife. The amount was shown as a loan which was later returned with an interest of 30 crores in equity sale. However CBI now claims this was done in December when A Raja was being questioned by CBI and implicated in the case.
Dayalu is expected to be chargesheeted on Monday CBI sources reveal. She had operated through a proxy Sharad Kumar, considering her old age and the fact revealed in Board meeting that she cannot read, write or understand any other language.
.Reacting to news, AIADMK chief Jayalalitha was not surprised and if a second chargesheet clearly indicates a kickback link that establish, key beneficiaries.The government should revoke the licence of the TV company and in ,’ the interest of justice would be served only if all the members of Kaurnandhi family, starting with the patriarch himself are named in the chargesheet’.
Janta Party chief Subraminum Sawamy must be having the last laugh who first accused and connected the Karunanidhis in February with 2G scam.He had claimed the family benefited both directly and indirectly from the case.He had records that reveal several persons from Swam Telecom met the Chief Minister.As a result of the accusation Chief Minister had slapped a legal notice on Swamy.
Karunanidhi has called in a meeting of paty officials to discuss the matter and the fear of possible Kanimozhi’s arrest , if the court orders.