Japan Tsunami

Japan Struggles to Study New Methods Against Contamination

TOKYO, April 4 (Xinhua) — The Japanese government urged Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) to study further emergency methods to contain the contamination, local media said Monday.

One such method floated by the central government is for TEPCO to entirely wrap four damaged reactors at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant with a massive sheeting.

The damaged 45-meter high containment buildings will be framed with skeletal structures to hold the sheeting, in a bid to limit the amount of radiation leaking from the faulty reactors into the atmosphere and the ground, government sources said.

However, nuclear experts questioned the method, saying the move would have only limited effects on preventing radiation from leaking into the air and the earth.

Experts have suggested that the level of radiation inside the sheeting would subsequently increase making it even more difficult for workers to effectively conduct restoration activities at the crippled six-reactor plant.

On Saturday, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was found to have been discharging highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.

Later in the day, TEPCO said it had found a crack in the pit at its No.2 reactor, which they believed was the source of the contaminated water.

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