
Anna Against Sanjeev Bhatt’s Arrest

BeyondHeadlines News Desk

New Delhi: Social crusader Anna Hazare today came out in support of arrested Gujarat police officer Sanjeev Bhatt who has accused Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi of complicity in the 2002 communal riots.

“What Narendra Modi has done is wrong. It is not good for democracy in the country,” Hazare said, castigating the move to arrest Bhatt.

What was the need for the state government to interfere and arrest Bhatt when the Supreme Court was fully aware of the matter, Hazare asked at a press conference. He was referring to Bhatt’s affidavit in the Supreme Court alleging that the 2002 riots took place with Modi’s tacit approval.

Hazare was responding to a question while addressing the media this morning to announce the roadmap for his nationwide agitation for the Jan Lokpal Bill.

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