BeyondHeadlines News Desk
Controversial leader Ahmed Tibi has been denied a visit to attend Palestinian solidarity meeting in India. Mr. Tibi, a member of Israeli parliament, has attended other such meetings in the past for Palestine solidarity.
The Indian government has turned down visit of a Palestinian leader Israel Ahmed Tibi (Ra’am-Ta’al) who tried to arrange a diplomatic trip to India via Palestinian Authority, an Israeli website has reported.
Prior to issuing visa the Indian government consulted with Israel, which in turn asked the Indian government to turn down the request for visa. It is not first time that Palestinian leaders from Israel are visiting foreign countries through Palestinian authority or to represent Palestinian authority.
Many Palestinian leaders from Israel have even served as advisor to Palestinian leadership. Israeli website has quoted Ahmed Tibi “was invited as part of a day of solidarity with the Palestinian people. I did not ask and I will never request any meetings through representatives of [Foreign Minister] Avigdor Lieberman – anywhere on this planet.”
It is strange that the news didn’t get any coverage in any Indian media even by Urdu media which are more regularly monitoring India’s Palestine policies.