Mango Man

An Open Letter To Sadhvi and RSS from A Hindu

Fame and Publicity are elements which drive many people do things which sometimes seems a joke to mankind and Civilization. Till now it was limited to Bollywood stars or Aspiring models doing things to get attention of public which of course they needed to earn their bread and butter.

But now as we all know times are changing and with this changing time, our so called Religious Gurus, some of them may have many hidden faces are trying to be in news by Giving Controversial Statements every day.

I am writing this post especially for our Sadhavis, Few MPs of LS, RSS and Our Present P.M. Mr. Narendra Modi.

It is very unfortunate to see, where world is getting along to eradicate common issues like Poverty, Sanitation, Global Warming, Hunger. Our so called Dharmatmas and leaders are still talking about Religion and trying to draw lines between people on the basis of good for nothing religion.

Where one is advising Hindu women to produce more Babies, as if they are just machines and other is advising to pelt stones on Muslim boys if they try to contact any of Hindu girls. Some another party will stand up from somewhere and ask Muslims should go to Pakistan if they want more facilities.

Well, Being an Indian and Hindu too, I want to ask just one Question—WHY?

  • Why should we listen or act upon your rubbish talks? Who are you to tell us what to do and how much kids we should have? Why don’t you guys Marry in first place and feel the responsibility of a family?

Oh sorry, I forgot that you guys live life differently, Yes- Different in the sense that You live on the Alms of Common Man— which gets the attention of Political Parties during Election Campaigns.

If you care so Much about Hindu population why don’t you come down and get your own hands dirty to save the religion. But the thing is, that too is our mistake that we gave you such a special treatment, donations and offered you a stage where you can utter anything as filthy as Muck.

P.S.—People don’t give a heck what you think, they know very well how much kids they Want. So, just shut up and go to hell.

  • Oh seriously? Should we really pelt stones on Muslim Boys? I think you need this kind of treatment instead of Muslims. Who are you to differentiate between Muslims and Hindus? This is our world Muslims too are our Brothers& Sisters and if they are, then no one have the right to interfere in whom to marry, talk or meet.

Your policy of rule and divide will not now work; all Indians are one, regardless of their cast, creed, color or gender. It’s just people like you and some others like you make our lives hard. You need to understand one thing very clearly right now that All Indians are tied together with the thread of togetherness. And we don’t give a damn what you bark about our brethren. Your teachings should tell people about togetherness and love;

  • Dear RSS, Had you spent such energy in developing our nation, I would have the 1st rank in the world. Why can’t you read the pulse of Young generation of India? I am feeling poor for you guys. One thing you need to understand is— Times are changing, so the people; your wrong intentions will not get fulfilled anytime soon now. The reason is-
    “WE WON’T LET IT HAPPEN NOW.” If you think you can then, let’s try it and see who win.
  • Dear PM Narendra Modi, Everyone has seen the glamor of your 56” Chest. Now please get to work. First of all, ask your illiterate MPs to stop giving Statements and advises based on Religion and People’s personal life. Because if you can’t control your team then you are nothing but a failed Politician. Good for Nothing. Your Plans till now have been successful but road ahead is even tougher, and I bet there is nothing called MODI WAVE exist anywhere now. So, Show us what you got. The programmes you started have shown their other side, and now you could be a good RJ and nothing else. Make in India is yet another flop; I wonder if One of Your MPs would stand out and Say, Indian Domestic Products would be classified by the Religion of their Manufacturers respectively. So that No Hindu can use Things made by Muslims.

P.S.- Let’s all be together. Neither Muslims nor Hindus are against each other. It’s just some Ill Mentality People, Spoiling everything between Us. Let’s be together and Vow to never feel Hate for each other.

Thank You All for Reading This.


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