BeyondHeadlines News Desk
New Delhi: On Wednesday, 24th of March 2020 in the wee hours, Delhi police vandalized the already empty protest site under the guise of ‘clearing’ the protestors and ‘opening’ the roads for the public as the public is supposed to stay indoors in the lockdown that has been implemented by the state government.
On the 21st of March 2020, which was the 100th day of the movement, the 24 hrs sit-in gathering at gate number 7 of Jamia Millia Islamia was called off, keeping in mind the health emergency in the country.
Jamia Coordination Committee, in a press release, said that the police came with trucks and labourers, they seized all the tents, mattresses and other material from the protest site, filled it in the trucks and drove away with it.
“The policemen also seized the relief material collected near gate number 10 for survivors of the pogrom against the anti-CAA protestors in North East Delhi, which included ration and other essential items of daily needs”, the press release reads.
The statement also alleged that the posters and banners at the protest site were torn and trampled over; water canisters were taken away. It says that the Delhi police defaced the property of the university in broad daylight, which is a criminal offence, as it did not come under their jurisdiction. It alleges that the police specifically targeted those graffitis which depicted the violence committed by Delhi police.
“The most cowardly of all acts was the whitewashing of the university wall to erase the revolutionary graffiti,”
Since Delhi police has tried to erase all the symbols of resistance, they are being criticised over social media for their act and people are calling this step as ‘cowardly act’.
“While our nation faces a severe crisis situation, the government is more eager to suppress dissent and vandalize anti-CAA protest sites across the country. This shows the lack of seriousness of the government in dealing with the health crisis, which is on our doors. The onus has been put on the people of the country – either save yourself, stay indoors or die because the government is clearly busy in erasing graffiti!”, the statement said.