
The Kingmakers – Baker Street Spies & Indian Elections

Report by Shelley Kasli

Propaganda Edward Bernays Baker Street Spies British Intelligence Indian Elections GreatGameIndiaThe conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

– Edward Bernays in his 1928 book, Propaganda. In Britain, Bernays is considered, reverently as the “father of public relations.”

This is a story of such people and their shadowy world that together constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

On the day the 2014 Lok Sabha Election results were announced, amidst the media hype and public frenzy while the people took home hope in their hearts and smiles on their faces Mukesh Ambani added almost $1 billion to his wealth while Gautam Adani gained $400 million.

Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries (RIL) Ltd., has added $6 billion to his fortune since Sept. 13, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The wealth of Adani, who runs Gujarat’s biggest port, quadrupled to $7.6 billion, from $1.9 billion on Sept. 13.

Adani Stocks Election 2014 Lok Sabha Baker Street Spies British Intelligence GreatGameIndia

However this is not the story of Kings, but the Kingmakers.

The Kingmakers

But many a king on a first-class throne, If he wants to call his crown his own, Must manage somehow to get through
More dirty work than I ever do.

—W.S. GILBERT in The Pirates of Penzance quoted in David Ogilvy’s memoir

After election results on Friday 23rd May 2014 DNA reported :

On Monday at the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting, general secretary Mohan Prakash dropped a bombshell, revealing that Israeli intelligence Mossad was in league with the RSS since 2009 to bring down the UPA government. Prakash when contacted refused to confirm, saying the discussions at the party forum were not meant for public consumption. Insiders, however, revealed that Prakash’s version was that Israel was not happy with the UPA government since it had only limited political relations with Tel Aviv, unlike its predecessor the NDA.

Many others are gunning for Dentsu, a foreign communication agency which was hired by the party at a cost of nearly Rs600 crore to handle the party’s election advertising campaign and image makeover of Rahul Gandhi along with another agency Burson-Marsteller. The leaders want to know how these agencies handled and improved Rahul’s image. Leaders confide that chairman of communication department Ajay Maken already had a heated exchange of words with Dentsu India executive chairman Rohit Ohri for a spineless campaign.

Is Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad behind Congress’ defeat in the Lok Sabha Elections?

Considering the UPA knew since 2009 that Mossad was working to bring them down, it just shows the incompetence of their strategists in not being able to devise an apt counter strategy in the ample timespan of 5 years. No further information or explanation was ever provided on the subject.

However this is no news; readers of this blog are already aware of the dynamics and inner workings of the Mossad outfit APCO Worldwide orchestrating our future.

In this article we go beyond APCO, into the shadowy depths from where these spooks orchestrated the Indian elections; described by Piyush Pandey, Chairman of Ogilvy & Mather India who managed BJP’s election campaign as like playing 3 IPL’s in 3 months.

Royal Family Operatives

“ Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence….” – Macbeth

Ogilvy Crest Clan Baker Street Spies British Intelligence Elections GreatGameIndia

Ogilvy is an old and very aristocratic family who derive their lineage from ancient Celtic nobles with close connections to the Royal family called the Ogilvy Clan.

David Ogilvy the founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy & Mather was the cousin of Angus Ogilvy, the patron and partner of Tiny Rowland in Lonrho (London-Rhodesia Ltd.), the British Intelligence proprietary responsible for orchestrating numerous civil wars in Africa in collusion with the WWF. Angus Ogilvy’s wife, Princess Alexandra, is the cousin of the Queen. Princess Alexandra succeeded Prince Philip as president of WWF-U .K. Some of the WWF’s first staff were drawn from Ogilvy and Mather.

The daughter of the owner of the Daily Mail, Lord Rothermere a member of the British Royal family; married Lord David John Ogilvy, the son of the Honorable Angus Ogilvy, husband of Princess Alexandra.


This royally married Ogilvy family, the in-laws, so to speak, of the Daily Mail, has long been associated with drug trade going back to the Opium Wars (the result of forcibly growing opium on Indian soil to drug the entire Chinese Kingdom and eventually in the process loot both the nations), and is one of the very prominent financial powers of the world today. For more on this read our earlier report Rothschild Colonization of India.

These people, Lord Rothermere and the Honorable Ogilvy included, have chosen, the convenience of the institution of monarchy to run their business operations which, as a rule, have been conducted against the lawful interests of many nations, including the national interests of even the United Kingdom and India.

Ogilvy Anglo-Indian Empire

Though fraud in other activities be detestable, in the management of war it is laudable and glorious, and he who overcomes an enemy by fraud is as much to be praised as he who does so by force.

– MACHIAVELLI, Discourses, Book III, Chapter XL

Richest-East-India-Merchant-British-Empire-Opium-Intelligence-Baker-Street-Spies-GreatGameIndiaIn the 19th century, firms operating in the Anglo-India trade were organized using a variety ownership forms including the partnership, joint-stock and a hybrid form known as the Managing agency. Faced with both an increasing need for fixed capital and high principal agent costs due to the distance between owners and managers, the firms adapted and increasingly adopted the hybrid managing agency model to overcome these problems.

The Managing Agents

In 1866, around the time the owners of the Assam Company turned their attentions to finding a managing agent, the partners at Gillanders, Arbuthnot and Co (Gillanders) took on their first agency contracts in the tea sector. The company was well-established in India, founded in 1825 by Thomas Ogilvy and F.M.Gillanders in Calcutta.

Ogilvy returned to Liverpool and opened Ogilvy, Gillanders and Co, the two firms linked by a partnership agreement. The firm expanded and partnership agreements were made to set up firms interlinked through shared partners in Bombay in 1834 (Arbuthnot, Ewart and Co) and in 1851 in Manchester (Gladstone, Latham and Co) and a branch was opened in Rangoon in 1852. In the years from 1825 to the 1860s the partners predominantly focused on commission trade in British exports and shipping agency work.

The Culna Affair – An Outrage and a Trial in Bengal


From a file of Calcutta newspapers and private correspondence, we have become acquainted with a case tried in the Supreme Court of Calcutta, before Sir J. P. GRANT, which, as far as we know, has not been alluded to in the English journals, but which it is inexpedient that the public of this country should remain ignorant of. We allude to the trial of Mr. OGILVY, an English gentleman, for manslaughter.

In this Culna Affair Mr Ogilvy was charged with assault, manslaughter and false imprisonment and fined 2000 Rs.

The Irregulars

“No, it’s not quite so bad as that.
It’s the unofficial force—the Baker Street Irregulars.
“They can go everywhere, see everything, overhear everyone.”

– ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE, The Sign of the Four

British Security Coordination Baker Street Spies Intelligence GreatGameIndiaThis book is an attempt to reconstruct, as accurately as possible, the infamous exploits of a group of spies who served with the secret intelligence organization known as (BSC), which set up shop in America during World War II and remains one of the most controversial, and probably one of the most successful, covert action campaigns in the annals of espionage.

Compiled into a 536-page book entitled British Security Coordination: The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas, 1940–1945, it lays bare both the audacity and achievements of the BSC spy network and the shocking willingness of the American press to peddle foreign propaganda aimed at leading the country into war.

It was an organization that fell under the umbrella of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, also known as MI6). No official title had been given to this cloak-and-dagger outfit, and for that matter no prior War Cabinet approval. It was called BSC by default, after the original Baker Street address of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) in London, but the initiated preferred to think of it as a reference to Sherlock Holmes’s “Baker Street Irregulars.”

It had been formalized as the British Security Coordination, a title created arbitrarily by the American FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, who was not raised on Arthur Conan Doyle and did not share the English enthusiasm for code names. The BSC’s American headquarters were in Rockefeller Center in New York, and the shadowy figure who ran it was a wealthy Canadian industrialist turned professional saboteur by the name of William Stephenson, who had the title of director of British Security Coordination and was head of the Secret Intelligence Service in the Western Hemisphere.

Baker Street Spies

Gamblers just before they die are often given a great golden streak of luck. 

– Ian Fleming

The Irregulars Jennet Conant British Intelligence Eashington World War II GreatGameIndiaThe colorful coconspirators Roald Dah, Noël Coward, Ian Fleming (author of James Bond 007 series), David Ogilvy, and Ivar Bryce—were all rank amateurs, recruited for their clever minds and connections rather than any real experience in the trade of spying. These “Baker Street Irregulars,” as they were dubbed in honor of the mischievous street urchins who aided the famous literary sleuth Sherlock Holmes, were Churchill’s underground army in America, an “invisible fortress” that would help forestall the enemy and help England secure victory. They planted propaganda in American newspapers, radio stations, and wire services; co-opted leading columnists from Drew Pearson to Walter Lippmann and Walter Winchell; harassed prominent isolationists and anti–New Dealers; exposed Nazi sympathizers and fifth columnists; and plotted against corporations that were working against British interests.

While it may not have been the most honorable way to fight a war, Churchill was convinced he had no alternative—his country’s very existence was at stake. By the winter of 1940, England faced an entrenched enemy and stood on the brink of collapse. The Nazis were sweeping across Europe and preparing to invade. Britain’s only hope of survival hinged on America’s assistance, and Churchill— with the tacit permission of President Roosevelt, who was privately in favor of intervention despite the overwhelming public opposition—instructed  the BSC  to do  everything possible  “to drag”  their reluctant ally into the war against Germany.

Interestingly today India stands on the same crossroads with foreign spies running rampant on Indian soil as was the America in the mid 40s. The divine intervention of the British Intelligence is omnipresent.

The BSC succeeded not only in mystifying and misdirecting its political enemies but also in manipulating the policies of its greatest wartime ally in favor of England, changing the course of the United States forever.

By pushing Roosevelt to create a transatlantic intelligence alliance in the form of the OSS, to be headed by London’s “man in Washington” William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Stephenson effectively made the U.S. intelligence service the willing handmaiden of the British.

Not surprisingly, this episode of history, which lay the foundation for the CIA, comes in many versions, with Stephenson and the BSC cast either as heroes or as villains depending on the author’s ties to either the American or British Intelligence establishments and the degree of moral discomfort with their devious activities and methods.

David Ogilvy – PsyWar with a Suit

In those days it was the fashion for diplomats to regard Intelligence Officers as unprincipled ruffians. We returned the compliment by regarding the diplomats as ceremonial and gutless.

– DAVID OGILVY, Blood, Brains and Beer

David Ogilvy Baker Street Spies Election British Intelligence GreatGameIndiaDavid Ogilvy was a pale, lean Lord Byron type, complete with flaming red hair and fashionable attire. Like Dahl, he had begun by freelancing for the BSC and in late 1942 joined the organization full-time. He had signed on as a third secretary at the British Embassy. In the thirty-two-year-old Ogilvy, Dahl found an ideal fellow conspirator, clever, enthusiastic, and up for anything in the way of Stephenson’s best young turks. A self-proclaimed expert on American public opinion, he had spent the last four years as an associate director at George Gallup’s Audience Research Institute in Princeton, New Jersey, and boasted that he had conducted more than four hundred nationwide surveys measuring the country’s pulse on every conceivable issue. Based on the Gallup polls, he claimed he could tell “what the natives want out of life, what they think about the main issues of the day, what their habits are.

In fact George Gallup and Lou Harrise were deployed as part of privately operated Rockefeller family networks against a carefully pre-profiled target population to manipulate the characteristic paranoid tendencies of its average member in accord with an objective defined in advance under the principles of psychological warfare.

David Ogilvy was George Gallup’s right-hand man.

The techniques of the leading pollsters – Gallup, the Roper Organization, Louis Harris and Associates – are the psychological warfare methods developed by U.S. and British social scientists prior to and during World War II – on models developed by Germany’s Nazis.

George Gallup was trained during World War II OSS population-profiling projects.

In 1941, the Committee for National Morale, including George Gallup, was created to propagandize for United States entry into World War II. Its function was to develop and apply the techniques of Geobbels, as it outlined in its reports:

Hitler Gandhi David Ogivly Baker Street Spies British Intelligence Psychological Warfare GreatGameIndia“While thus, it is appropriate to caution against accepting every single German theory at face value, many of the German suggestions are adaptable to specific American requirements of national defense. Americans should have no qualms about adopting some of the best features of German military psychology. The Nazis have, on their part, expropriated the findings of many American scholars whose contributions to military psychology were of the greatest interest and value when psychology was introduced as an integral part of the German machine.”

The same prominent group of “social scientists,” primarily in advertising, returned to that profession after the war, and had no scruples in applying the psychological warfare methods they had learned on the civilian population in peacetime. Their primary new device, indeed, was the public opinion poll.

The CIA has also dedicated resources in India to gather intelligence through such surveys and analyse data that is freely available, like research articles, religious books and web sites. As part of this programme, the CIA allegedly commissioned a 20-state survey on Indian Muslims. Reportedly, US-based Princeton Survey Research Associates International were the main contractors. Allegedly, they sub-contracted it to TNS, a Delhi-based market research agency.

In Kerala’s capital of Thiruvananthapuram, TNS staff visited Karimadom colony, a predominantly Muslim area. The questionnaire was bizarre: Do you consider yourselves Indians first or Muslims first? Your views on imposing Islamic law in India? Do you like Osama bin Laden? Will you give him refuge if he comes to Kerala? Police nabbed four TNS staff after Karimadom residents complained.

The Kerala Muslim Jamaat Council (KMJC), the apex body of mahallu (parish) committees in southern Kerala, took strong exception to the survey. KMJC general secretary A. Pookunj said: “Many people speak of a growing radicalisation among Kerala Muslims. But how can a foreign agency come and ask us whether we will give shelter to Osama? What do we have to do with Osama? I wonder why the state has not taken any action against them [surveyors].” TNS representative Pradeep Saxena declined to comment on the issue as it is sub judice.

– India & the Grand Blueprint for CIA’s Resurrection

Ogilvy Mather British Intelligence Psychological Warfare Indian Election Baker Street Spies GreatGameIndia

The role of David Ogilvy, Dr. Gallup’s right-hand man, is exemplary of the transition made by those social scientists active in propaganda operations during the war to careers in advertising and public opinion surveys afterwards.

William Dougherty Psychological Warfare Casebook Baker Street Spies GreatGameIndia

William Dougherty of the Operations Research Office, a colleague of Gallup, authored a survey book on psychological warfare in 1958 which summarized the “intelligence requirements” of a public opinion survey conducted among a carefully selected target population. Above all, Dougherty emphasized, the population must be profiled “to enable planners to draft realistic and feasible plans based on unknown or probable psychological vulnerabilities of the target audience, to provide the operator with materials which may be used in propaganda  output” and “to enable the operator to assess the effectiveness” of directed psychological warfare operations already underway. These are the purposes served by today’s public opinion surveys.

Ogilvy was an associate director of Gallup’s American Institute for Public Opinion created in 1936. During the war, he joined the staff of William Stephenson, head of British Security Coordination (BSC).

Stephenson commissioned Ogilvy to prepare intelligence for BSC to determine the state of U.S. public opinion regarding Britain, to be used “for spreading covert propaganda, designed to strengthen the interventionist groups throughout the country and discredit the isolationists.” Oglivy fulfilled his commission using information gathered by Gallup pollsters in the U.S.

Quiet Canadian The Secret Service Story of Sir William Stephenson Montgomery Hyde GreatGameIndiaIn 1943, Ogilvy wrote a confidential report entitled“A Plan for Predetermining the Results of Plebiscites, Predicting the Reactions of People to the Impact of Projected Events, and Applying the Gallup Technique to Other Fields of Secret Intelligence.”

The secret document is described by another social scientist, H. Montgomery Hyde in his book, The Quiet Canadian: The Secret Service Story of Sir William Stephenson, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1962 [later released as Room 3603: The Story of the British Intelligence Center in New York during World War II, Farrar Straus and Company, New York, 1963] as :

Room 3603 Psychological Warfare British Intelligence Elections GreatGameIndia“His knowledge of Gallup’s methods led Ogilvy to the conclusion that a poll, if secretly organized in other countries, could assist in settling many political and ethnological problems without the confusion and possible corruption of a plebiscite. The results of such a poll, conducted in Spain at any time during the war, might have been used not only to guide British policy towards Franco, but also to determine what types of allied propaganda would be most effective. By the same means it would have been possible to assess the true strength of such political movements as the Integralist in Brazil or Sir Oswald Moseley’s Fascist Black Shirts in Great Britain.”

Taj Vivanta in Delhi was the Indian counterpart of Room 3603.

As soon as the war ended, Ogilvy set up a Madison Avenue advertising agency, Ogilvy and Mather, which in short order became one of the most successful agencies of its kind. Among its Wall Street clients Ogilvy & Mather boasted a section of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.

King Madison Avenue David Ogilvy British Intelligence Psychological Warfare GreatGameIndia

In 1945, in the aftermath of World War II, the British monarchy ordered the privatization of several wartime intelligence agencies and networks. The purpose was to obscure the British oligarchy’s far-flung capabilities, while facilitating their penetration of the corporate and oligarchical elite of the United States. HencePermindex (Permanent Industrial Exposition) was created as a combination of several of these privatized capabilities established in the immediate postwar period. According to his wartime aide David Ogilvy, the purpose of the firm was to “form a profitable company of merchant adventurers” made up of British intelligence veterans. Ogilvy drafted the corporate papers and became vice president. John Pepper, the head of Stephenson’s wartime staff in Washington, became president.

Ogilvy and Mather was originally founded in 1850 in London under the name Mather. In 1888 the name became Mather & Cowther. Ogilvy built up the company in North America, headquartered in New York, starting in 1948. In October 1964 the London and New York firms merged and formed Ogilvy & Mather International. The firm was involved with many major banks. N. M. Rothschild & Sons, First Boston, and Kleinwort Benson were involved in the merger. Its principal bankers were National Westminster, Morgan Guaranty, and Manufacturers Hanover. Ogilvy was among the directors of O. & M. in London. Guy Mountfort, who had joined the company in 1947, was among the directors of O. & M. in London. Ogilvy became chairman of O. & M. international. By the 1960s Ogilvy & Mather in New York had clients as American Express (1962 and a firm dominated by Pilgrims) and Gilette. It had Unilever and Mattel in the 1950s. These days Ogilvy and Mather also have the large lobbying firm Ogilvy Government Relations, with such clients as the Blackstone Group (involved in the recent disappearance of the Malaysian airliner MH370) and Chevron.

ibm-holocaust-nwo-india-uid-aadhar GreatGameIndia Baker Street Spies British IntelligenceIn 1994 IBM consolidated its global advertising at Ogilvy & Mather, moving from 40 agencies to a single global agency. IBM is the same company that came up with the punch cards for census that helped Hitler pull off the Holocaust and the same company creating RFID chips. Interestingly there are thousands of cases against IBM involvement in the Holocaust which never saw the light of day. The company that got the UID contract is also a front controlled by IBM. For more details on this read New World Order at India’s Doorstep – Making of a Totalitarian Cashless Indian Surveillance Society

Psychological Warfare becomes Public Relations

Ogilvy was the leading heir of the tradition of Edward Bernays, the nephew ofSigmund Freud and the founder of modern public relations. Bernays and race supremacy advocate Gustave le Bon had perfected the manipulation of mass psychology, or “group dynamics,” in affiliation with the British Royal Family’s Tavistock Institute. Adolf Hitler, in Mein Kampf, among others, drew upon the Bernays and le Bon work for much of the fascist theory of crowd control.

Bill Clinton Mark Penn David Ogilvy Baker Street Spies British Intelligence Psychological Warfare GreatGameIndia

On April 7 2008, Hillary Clinton fired London agent Mark Penn as her chief campaign advisor. This action removed a saboteur who was long been positioned inside the Clinton camp, applying tactical pressure and policy leverage on behalf of the London-New York imperial axis.

The Penn and Schoen firm was bought in 2001 by WPP Group, the London based advertising and political consulting monopoly. The buyout pushed Penn’s personal wealth towards the stratosphere.

Penn’s new bosses were at the heart of the British imperial oligarchy. WPP’s 1986 founder, Martin Sorrell, had been a leader of the Saatchi & Saatchi agency that had run Margaret Thatcher’s initial 1979 campaign, and had then shared the spoils by representing the big firms she privatized.

Martin Sorrell brought in David Ogilvy as WPP chairman (1989-92), to position the new firm to manage transatlantic political affairs, in line with Ogilvy’s standing as a leading British Intelligence Strategist for psychological warfare.

A full list of all WPP companies worldwide

WPP Group Ogilvy Mather British Intelligence Baker Street Spies GreatGameIndia Elections

Currently Mark Penn is the Chief Strategy Officer at Microsoft. Interestingly, before Microsoft Penn was the CEO of Burson-Marsteller, the PR firm who managed Congress’ Election campaign.

Funnily, it was the British Intelligence who managed the Indian Election campaigns of both the BJP and Congress through their Psychological Warfare outfits (PR firms in gentlemanly language) Ogilvy & Mather, Burson-Marsteller & Dentsu all owned by the British Imperial Oligarchy’s WPP Group.

Recently there has been other evidence of British/US meddling in Russia as well. Former oil baron of the Yukos Oil Companyin Russia, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, reportedly was used by the West to create infrastructural problems within Russia through the Carlyle Group (also involved in the recent disappearance of the Malaysian airliner MH370 ). He even started a Russian foundation echoing George Soros’s group the Open Society, called the Open Russia Foundation, listing Henry Kissinger and Jacob Rothschild on its board. He was later caught trying to buy an election using his wealth to challenge Putin to become President. It was also said that behind the scenes he was looking to change the oil business in Russia, specifically parties that could own oil in Russia. The West crafted a different version of events following his arrest to garner public support against those in power within Russia. This is how the West exudes its power over other countries by selling distortions to promote its failing policies. Interestingly this same group also comes into picture behind Operation Snoopgate.

However this raises many serious questions.

Should foreign PR Firms the handy outfits of Intelligence Agencies be allowed to manage any political party’s election campaigns ?

The question is more serious and not just related to any specific party since through these agencies psychological warfare is employed on unsuspecting citizens country wide who have no clue about any of these. This raises serious national security concerns.

When billions of dollars are invested by these firms in micromanaging our election campaigns due to any particular party’s political, ideological, monetary or other alliance with them, the question that the people of the country should be asking is when and how they would start reaping their profits from the pockets of ordinary citizens. (Courtesy: 


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