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Model UN Conference in Delhi on 4-5 Aug

BeyondHeadlines Staff Reporter

New Delhi: The Model UN Conference will be held in New Delhi on August 4-5 at the North Campus’ Conference Centre of the University of Delhi.

The model conference, 2011 is being organized by The Model UN Club of Delhi University’s Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDUCMUN) in collaboration with the UN Information Centre for India and Bhutan.

Model United Nations (MUN) is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about current events, topics in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda.

DDUCMUN 2011 is the second largest MUN in India  and will offer an exciting opportunity for students to debate issues that confront world leaders and to work with others who are equally motivated and passionate about the topics of debate and to respond to global concerns.

It fosters a constructive forum for open dialogue on complex global issues, including international peace and security and economic and social progress.

A dedicated organizing team is working for its smooth execution.

The two-day conference is open to Grade 12 School students and undergraduate college students.

The Conference this year, will consist of the following Four committees:

a) UN General Assembly
Agenda: Summit on the future of war :
i) Modern Technologies of war II) Modern battle field

b) UN Security Council
Agenda: The Situation in Ivory Coast

c) UN Human Rights Council
Agenda: Treatment of detainees with respect to terrorism, torture and extortion with special focus on enforced disappearances.

d) UN Economic and Social Council
Agenda: Economic and Social repercussions of natural disasters with special focus on the aftermath of Japan’s earthquake.


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