BeyondHeadlines News Desk
New Delhi: A report released by the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) of Jammu & Kashmir has stated that it found proofs of 2,156 unidentified bodies in 38 mass graves in the territory. The commission while giving the locations of mass graves called for a thorough investigation about the killings of Kashmiris on such a large scale who are struggling for their inalienable right to self determination.
The report came to light after a three year long inquiry by t
he eleven member team which scoured police records, cross-checked this against testimonies from police officials, eyewitnesses, village committees, mosque committees and grave diggers. We may say that more mass graves would be unearthed if independent organisations were allowed to work freely.
The Indian government is indulging in blatant violation of international norms by persistent refusal to the outside human rights organizations to enter occupied Kashmir and civil liberties have been denied through brutal enactment’s like Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA). What is more regrettable is that the western countries who claim to be champions of democracy and human rights are silently watching the cleansing of Kashmiris.
Incarceration of Kashmiri leaders, who speak of the right of self-determination of the Kashmiris conceded to them by the United Nations in various resolutions accepted by India itself, is another act of human rights violations by the authorities.