
AMU Administration Denies North-South Angle to Recent Students’ Clash in Boys Hostel

BeyondHeadlines New Desk

Aligarh: The special one man committee formed to to investigate and report on the recent incident of students’ clash in Boys Hostel at AMU Malappuram Centre has denied any north-south angle to it.

Prof. H. S. A. Yahya, Department of Wildlife Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, who was deputed by the AMU Vice Chancellor, submitted his report today.

Drawing conclusion after hearing hostel staff, teachers, students, locals and the Director of the Centre, he concluded that there is nothing north-south in the unfortunate episode and a section of the North Indian Urdu and Hindi media displayed immaturity.

While narrating the details, Prof. Yahya reported that on 10th of August a discussion on distribution of Iftar items among students led to heated exchange of words and finally physical injury to four students of MBA, Mohammed Rafi, Yunish Kumar, Shabeeb and Adnan.

Mr. Mohammed Rafi was hit with a stick by Yunish Kumar resulting serious head injury. He was hospitalized; three stitches were made on his head. His condition improved quickly and he has been discharged from the hospital, now he is attending the class as well.

Prof. Yahya observed that there is no harsh feeling among local people towards the students of north Indian origin. However, due to certain rumors, misconception and misunderstanding a sort of gap between north and south Indian students prevailed which was very unfortunate. The local people are very friendly and hospitable, he concluded.

While elaborating, he said that the situation is under control and the Director has taken needed steps to resolve the problem. An internal inquiry committee comprising faculty of the centre was set up. Later on he was also included in the subsequent meetings. After various rounds of talks and perusal the students came forward for the compromise. Mohammed Rafi agreed to withdraw the police case which he had filed against Yunish Kumar. Countering the allegation Mohammed Kumail had also initiated a case against Mohammed Rafi which he withdrew. On Thursday afternoon a joint meeting of alleged students and members of Iftar distribution committee was held and the students unanimously decided to compromise and withdraw all allegations and complaints lodged either with the Director or with the police. They also agreed to undertake an oath of solemn pledge on hundred rupees bond paper assuring that in future they will not indulge in any unruly activity in the hostel or in classroom. Finally members of both group hugged each other and pledged to remain as friends.

Those students who were debarred from the hostel as punitive measure were pardoned and allowed to reside in the hostel. All the students assured that in future there will be no such quarrel which might harm any person or the image of AMU Malappuram Centre vis-à-vis the Aligarh Muslim University. As a gesture of good will the students of MBA and BA LLB organized an Iftar party in Cherukara Boys hostel on Friday (19th August 2011) in which most faculties, myself and the director also participated. A very healthy and harmonious environment was thus restored in the Boys Hostel.

In the entire episode certain Urdu and Hindi news papers published from north India played a very immature role. They should have verified the news from the reliable sources before publishing entirely wrong news that the students of north Indian origin were beaten and hospitalized. On the contrary, the student who received maximum injury hails from Kerala. Publishing of incorrect news led to misunderstanding among general public and panic to the guardians of north Indian students, he observed.

Prof. Yahya categorically pointed out that the name of Adil Azis, a MBA student, was unnecessarily dragged in this issue whereas the fact is that he was busy in persuading the students to be peaceful and calm during the entire incident. He acted quite maturely and tried to pacify the fighting groups. During my almost one week interaction with the students, cooks of the Hostel, Care taker of the Hostel, and other eye witnesses of the incidence no one reported any wrong doing by Adil Azis.

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