BeyondHeadlines News Desk
New Delhi: Students of Central University of Jamia Millia Islamia, under the banner of Forum For Students Democracy, have written a letter to University Administration demanding student’s union Elections.
The letter also questions inability of university in providing basic democratic rights to the students.
The letter states students must not be deprived of democratic space and exercise. They must not be rendered politically backward. Recent revolutions in the Arab World and anti-corruption uprising in India have proved that the youth have a constructive role to play in the society, best contribution for their country and it is just a matter of allowing them space and facilitate their political participation.
Questioning the University administration for not allowing students to form student’s union the letter says, ”violation of our basic right to form students union in our colleges and universities, does not only isolate Muslim community in India’s vibrant democratic space but also restrict their opportunities to prove their ability and skills to contribute to the nation building process.”
It should be noted that Student Union elections have not taken place in JMI for years while JNU and DU elections are proving national political platform to students and giving them opportunities to make career in politics.
The letter says that the Forum For Student Democracy will launch a movement in University if the demands are not met. So far University has kept its silence on this issue.
The impact of peaceful and democratic movements across the world is visible in this university, recently declared a ‘minority’ institution.