
University of Sheffield Invites Application for PhD Scholarship in Sociology and Synthetic Biology

BH Global Education Team

University of Sheffield of United Kingdom is a leading public and research intensive university. The university was recently named as the University of the Year 2011 at the Times Higher Education Awards 2011. The university has invited application for PhD Scholarship. For details please see the official press release.

The official release on the university website (!/file/PhDinSTS.pdf) mentions this is a collaborative project between Dr Susan Molyneux-Hodgson (Sociological Studies) and Dr Holger Nehring (History). This project is part of a Cross-Faculty PhD training network funded by the University of Sheffield entitled “Synthetic Biology for Human Health”.

The project will be expected to contribute to general theories on the relations between science and society; and to more specific sociological theory on bio-politics and governance of scientific research. New methods of research, combining sociological and historical work may be developed. Emerging findings will be fed back in to associated scientific projects, to facilitate ongoing discussions with the scientists and engineers on notions of innovation and responsibility.

Applications have been invited from highly motivated and talented students holding, or expecting to obtain, at least an upper second (2:1) or First Class degree in a relevant subject area. Masters qualifications are highly desirable. Please contact Dr Susan Molyneux-Hodgson ( and Dr Holger Nehring (

Information is also available at the following websites:

SATIS (Science and Technology in Society):


Award details

Each scholarship will cover the cost of UK/EU tuition fees and provides an annual, tax-free maintenance stipend at the standard Research Council rate (£13,590 in 2011-12). The recipient will also receive a Research Training Support Grant of £1000 per year. International applicants will need to pay the difference between the UK/EU and Overseas tuition fees.



• Academic requirements – applicants should have, or expect to achieve, a first or upper second class UK honours degree or equivalent qualifications gained outside the UK in an appropriate area of study. A Masters degree in a relevant area is highly desirable.

• Applicants should be registering on their first year of study with the University for 2012-13.

• Residency restrictions – awards are open to UK, EU and international applicants.


How to apply

• Applicants are advised to contact supervisors to discuss their application

• Complete an application for admission as a postgraduate student –


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