
CPI Demands Review of All Terrorism Related Cases

BeyondHeadlines News Desk

Kolkata: Communist Party of India at the end of its two day meeting of its cadres working among the minorities held here demanded review of the all the terror related cases. This meeting was attended by General Secretary of the Communist Party of India S. Sudhakar Reddy, National Council Secretary Shameem Faizee, Com. Azeez Pasha and Com. Manju Majumdar, Members of the National Executive of CPI.

The meeting was started on 13th October, 2012 and concluded with a press conference on 14th October. In these two days discussions were held regarding the problems faced by the religious minorities, particularly the Muslim minority. A presidium consisting of Ghazanfer Nawab (Bihar), Nusrat Mohiuddin (Andhra Pradesh) and Nurul Huda (West Bengal) presided over the meeting.

CPI National Council Secretary Shameem Faizee inaugurated the meeting and CPI NE sub-Committee convenor  Syed Azeez Pasha, ex-Member of Rajya Sabha presented a report on trends among the Muslim minority and CPI’s solutions to them. 45 comrades from 11 states participated in the meeting. The meeting was also addressed by the CPI General Secretary Com. S. Sudhakar Reddy and Com. Manju Majumdar, CPI State Council Secretary.

In the press conference on 14th October, 2012 addressed by S. Sudhakar Reddy and other leaders of the party, the following issues were highlighted: The CPI demanded that:

  • All terrorist related cases during last one decade   need to be reviewed by a judicial mechanism.
  • All those under arrest but against whom   FIR has not been filed during the stipulated judicial period must be released immediately.
  • All those acquitted by the courts must be appropriately compensated.
  • Acquitted persons must be rehabilitated with government jobs.
  • Officer involved in fabricating evidence must be immediately removed and punished.
  • Thorough overhaul of all investigating agencies and police to remove all those afflicted by the mind set   “all terrorists are Muslims.”
  • Review of all terrorist related cases   in the context of US interest to brand Muslims only as terrorists and Israeli interests to get a foothold in this country.

The statement released to the press noted that ‘it has been the firm opinion of the CPI that the NDA government under Vajpayee has swallowed the theory of Americans that “all Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims.” Since then our investigating agencies, ATS, Anti Terrorist Squads have been cooking up stories of terrorist attacks and encounters of terrorists. Hundreds of Muslim youths have been implicated in such cooked up cases. After languishing in jails for over a decade, most of these people have been acquitted by different courts. It has also come to light that these so-called terrorist attacks on Mekka Masjid in Hyderabad, Samjhoota Express in Haryana, Malegaon Bomb Blasts in Maharashtra and Ajmer Dargah bomb blast in Ajmer in Rajasthan were handiwork of terrorists belonging to Sangh Parivar. Similarly most of the encounters have proved to be false.

While acquitting Muslim Youth, the courts have found not only absence of evidence but have charged the investigators of fabricating the evidence. Unfortunately, the UPA 2 government in place of drawing proper lessons from these verdicts had continued to implement the anti-Muslim policy derived by the Home Ministry under Advani. Rather it has fine tuned this mind set by targeting the Muslim educated youth. Even the apex court, the Supreme Court has said that nobody should be punished under the perception that “My name is Khan but I am not terrorist.’

The statement to the press also dwelt at length on the socio-economic status of Muslims in India. The CPI in its two day meeting resolved that there should be:

  • A sub plan for Muslim minority like SC/ST sub plan’
  • Full proof arrangements for proper utilization of funds for betterment of Muslim minority people’s supervisory mechanism at district and state level.
  • Reduce selection of district as special districts from 25 per cent to 15 per cent of Muslim population.
  • Make villages and Wards as basic units for dispersal of allocated funds for minorities.
  • Recognise all Muslim professional communities as OBC on par with the professional communities in the majority community and grant them all OBC facilities.
  • Accord job and educational reservation on the pattern of Kerala and West Bengal.
  • Protect and restore WAKF properties.

The press statement also stated that INSAF units be established at all the levels. It was also resolved to hold district, state and national level conferences of INSAF by March 2013. INSAF has to fight at different level for genuine implementation of all minority related welfare measures including those under 15 points programme of Prime Minister.

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