
National Workshop of Muslim NGOs in Jan 2013

BeyondHeadlines News Desk

NGO’s has a major, crucial and vital role in the empowerment and development of a community and country at large. In this world of competitiveness, chanelisation of the state affirmative actions, monitoring of the disbursements of the welfare funds and constant interaction with the welfare agencies are the key factors on which every responsible community focuses its attention.

MOEMIN is organising “Third National Workshop of Muslim NGO’s” working in the field of Education; Social sector; Women empowerment & Child Welfare; Health and Economic Empowerment and rural development from 18-20th January 2013 at Abdur Rahman Auditorium, India Islamic Cultural Centre, Opposite Mausam Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

Although the Muslim community, is economically, socially and educationally backward in comparison to the other communities of our country, it has fewer number of NGO’s working for the empowerment and social upliftment of the community.  It is observed that most of the NGO’s of the community, registered with the central & state governments, are un-organised and they either lacks infrastructures, proper guidance and have negligible information about the welfare schemes of the various government departments OR faces indifferent attitude of the bureaucracy in getting even a marginal share in the government welfare funds and in getting permission, affiliations and registrations of new institutes of learning.

It is observed that the present UPA government has initiated a number of welfare schemes for the minorities and there is a substantial increase in the favorable disposal of the applicants and increase in the permissions to start new Professional Institutes and Centers of Higher Learning. However much needs to be done.

The Community’s initiative in proper petitioning for allocation of welfare funds to the community development projects, constant monitoring of the minority friendly welfare schemes & state affirmative actions and a continuous dialogue with the policy makers has great relevance & importance, in today’s ambiance.

Keeping the importance of the issue in mind raised above, MOEMIN has successfully organised two ‘National Workshops of the Muslim NGO’s’  working in the field of education, social welfare, women empowerment and health sectors from 22 – 24th December 2006 & from 4-6 January 2008 in New Delhi in which around 325 delegates representing 365 NGOs from 19 states and 300 delegates representing 275 Muslim NGO’s  has participated. Number of Central Minister and from officials of various ministries and government welfare bodies has graced the different sessions of the Workshop to disseminate the    government policies and interact with the participating delegates in both the Workshops.

To take stock of the welfare schemes of various government agencies – implementation and hardships in getting them; for better channelization and re-strengthening our vision for social commitments, we invites you to Third three-day ‘National Workshop of the Muslim NGOs’ working in the field of education, social welfare, women empowerment, rural development and health sectors from 18-20th January 2013 in New Delhi.

We do hope that Unions Ministers of Human Resource Development, Minorities, Social Welfare, Urban Development & Health apart from officials of various ministries and government welfare bodies would grace the occasion in different sessions to disseminate the     government policies and interact with the participating delegates.

We are also confident that representatives of around 300 NGO’s from across the country working at ground level would participate in the Workshop to share their experiences and interaction for a future planning and to discover the means for fruitful co-operation with   the    various   Government Departments, Insha’Allah.

The Workshop would also try to find means and ways to engage the corporate world in promoting the NGO’s of the community.

Beside Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions , we would be formatting different working sessions on following themes:

I. Economic Equality: Policy priorities – Achievements and Challenges

II. Access to Credit : Micro Financing;  Millennium Development Goals; Islamic Banking

III. Education of Muslims : Governments initiatives – Problems and prospects

IV. Health for All : Inclusion of Muslims

V. Women Empowerment & Child Development.

VI. Access to Information: RTI & other sources of Information

VII. Corporate Social Responsibilities and expectations of Muslims

VIII. Governance of NGOs

In view of the importance & sensitivity of the issue, we request all concerned activists & representatives of Muslim NGOs to kindly participate in the ‘Workshop of the Muslim NGO’s’. 

We would be grateful if you kindly send your consent for your participation latest by 10th January 2013, along with the names of the participating delegates & their designation in the organisation.

We would be further grateful if you send us a detail brochure containing the area of their organisation’s activities; names of the institutions run by  organisation along with the strengths of the students in each institution; status of the participation in number of welfare schemes, if any, in last three years & information about the initiative your organization has taken in getting the Central or State Government welfare Schemes and the details of the difficulties you have faced in getting the schemes sanctioned to your organization. This would help us to prepare a detail report and action plan for remedies for presenting before the Workshop.

To restrict the participation to the genuine NGO’s, it has been decided to request a nominal delegate fee of Rs. 600/= per participant. Maximum of two delegates would be welcome from one organisation.

The registration fees in form of a demand draft/pay order can be sent in the name of “Movement for Empowerment of Muslim Indians” OR “South Asian Council for Minorities”.

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