BeyondHeadlines launches Independence Day Special Series on Indian Constitution
The completion of 67 years as the world’s largest democracy deserves many accolades but at the same time, a critical analysis of the nationhood poses some complex questions.
Slums stare in the eyes of the skyscrapers. A large section of the population still lies below the poverty line. Does it mean independence of a country in real sense? Being cynic is a sin but being skeptical is not a crime.
BeyondHeadlines wishes to get answers to these questions from our readers. Send us your articles or opinion pieces on As our readership includes school and college going youth, we are very keen to make this platform as informative and interactive as possible. Contributions on these issues should be written in simple language and technical words must be explained clearly.
BH family wishes all its readers a VERY HAPPY INDEPENDECE DAY in advance!