BeyondHeadlines News Desk
Babasaheb Ambedkar fought throughout his life to annihilate the caste, said Pro Vice Chancellor of Savitribai Phule Pune University Dr. N. S. Umrani.
He was speaking on the occasion of Book publication of Dalit Women Entrepreneurs which is coauthored by Prof. Dr. Gautam Bengal and Prof. Dr. Prashant Sathe and Rashtrapremi Babasaheb Ambedkar which is written by Dr. Gautam Bengale.
In his speech Dr. Umrani said, Reformation through education is possible. Some records shows Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar attended Indian Science Congress. Promotion of Scientific temperament in constitution is his main idea, caste destructs the nation, Dr. Ambedkar was sociologist, Psychologist and Anthropologist. Uniqueness of India is diversity, dissent and democracy he further said in his speech.
To understand Dr. Ambedkar through different aspects is essential. We must understand him beyond caste line. Inter-caste marriage is one of the solutions to form castless society said Dr. Jayant Kulkarni Vice Principle, Vidnyan Bharati College of Engineering Hyderabad. Economic Status will not give solution to every problem. So that social status is required for exploited society he also said.
Annihilation of caste is more important for caste discrimination free society. Dalit women are becoming entrepreneurs because of their intellect and not because of their caste, stated Dr. Prashant Sathe who is coauthor of Dalit Women Entrepreneur.
Dr. Gautam Bengale said Dr. Ambedkar should also be studied through his economic perspective and his thoughts on water policy and employment. He further said recommendations in book is approved by Ministry of Social Justice Govt. of Maharashtra which will help to make more Dalit Women Entrepreneur.
On the occasion Jaishree Sonkawade, Deputy Commissioner, Social Justice Department, Dr. Sunil Bhadange, Annabhau Sathe Chair, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Sunita Jagtap, Dr. Pradnya Bengale] Anjali Dhende were also present.