Election 2019

Help People Get Voter Id with Missing Voters App

BeyondHeadlines News Desk

A Research conducted by CRDDP and RayLabs has found 15% of all Voters and 25% of Muslim Voters are not present in Voter lists. So, 12.7 Crores all Voters and 3 Crore Muslim Voters cannot vote in May 2019 Lok Sabha elections. For more details, read the article “Electoral Exclusion of Minorities is a plague to Indian Democracy” by Dr.Abu saleh Shariff and Khalid Saifullah published in “Economic and Political Weekly”. 

Solution: CRDDP and RayLabs with Support of USIPI, IMRC has launched a FREE mobile App called “Missing Voters”. This app has the details of all the Street Names of a Assembly Constituency, Households in each street, and Voters in each household. App can be used to identify the missing voters, do household Survey and apply for the new voter ids. 

To install the app give a missed call to 8099 683 683 or download “Missing Voters App” from playstore. 

Will this Solution Work Effectively? 

CRDDP and RayLabs had identified 18 lakhs Muslim Voters were missing in Karnataka State and launched the Mobile App. When this was published in news papers, 8000 Volunteers registered in the App, They Visited the households of missing voters present in app and helped lakhs of people to get enrolled. 

We request every Indian citizen to install the app and help their neighbors and Friends get voter id. 

For more details watch 8 min video:

Website: www.missingvoters.in 

Missing Voters App link : https://tinyurl.com/ybg4nhtn 

Call : 9963748187

Email : raylabs.us@gmail.com 

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