
TEDxJMI 2019– Breaking Shackles at Jamia Millia Islamia

BeyondHeadlines News Desk

New Delhi: Students of Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) are organizing TEDxJMI on the theme “Breaking Shackles” on 10th November 2019 at Dr. M. A. Ansari auditorium from 10 am to 6 pm. The event will be organized under the aegis of office of Dean, Students’ Welfare (DSW) with the license granted by TEDx.

Mr. Sanjay Dalmia (Chairman- Dalmia Group of Companies) will be the inaugural TED speaker.

JMI Vice-Chancellor Prof. Najma Akhtar will inaugurate the event and Prof. S.F. Basir, the DSW and Chairperson of TEDxJMI will welcome the speakers, guests and the audience.

Like all TEDx events, TEDxJMI will feature some of the most renowned speakers, professionals, and experts of various fields who have their own unique journeys and challenges to share.

Apart from Mr. Sanjay Dalmia other speakers are Mr. Ishteyaque Amjad(VP- COCA-COLA), Major Mohammed Ali Shah(Army Veteran , Motivational Speaker), Ms. Olivia Deka (CEO- She For Change), Mr. Shams Alam (Paralympian), Mr. Vikas Jain(Co-founder, Micromax), Zain Anwar(Actor, Director – MensXp).

The theme, “Breaking Shackles” is basically focused on giving an insight into how various influential people from various walks of life have overcome obstacles they had experienced in their lives so as to strive towards their success.

The event aims at inspiring and motivating the audience to break through the shackles that are coming in their way to achieve their goals, to speak up and fight their battles and to tackle strenuous and demanding situations. “Breaking Shackles” also symbolizes the pushing and breaking of the boundaries created by us where we limit ourselves and our thought processes.

TEDxJMI is a great and unique opportunity for every individual especially the student community to learn from the very admired and well-known figures from various streams that were able to break through the restraints that were holding them back, to reach the stage where they are now in their lives.

TED is a nonpartisan non-profit organisation devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 110 languages.

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