
National Conference on ‘Distance and Open Learning: Challenges and Opportunities in Present Scenario’ at Jamia

BeyondHeadlines News Desk

New Delhi: A two-day National Conference on ‘Distance and Open Learning: Challenges and Opportunities in Present Scenario’ was organized by Centre for Distance and Open Learning (CDOL), Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) on 10th & 11th February, 2020.

The conference was inaugurated by JMI Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Najma Akhtar and the Chief Guest, Prof. Mohammad Miyan, former Vice-Chancellor of Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU).

Besides the Hony. Director (Academics) Prof Ahrar Husain and Hony. Director (Administration), Prof R.P. Bahuguna of CDOL, dignitaries from various fields, delegates from various parts of the country and staff members of CDOL participated in the conference and presented papers.

40 papers including two through virtual mode were presented on diverse themes related to contemporary issues confronting distance and open learning educational system in India.

On the first day, the keynote address was delivered by Prof H.C. Pokhriyal, former Executive Director, School of Open Learning, University of Delhi and on concluding day by Prof. Furqan Qamar, former Vice-Chancellor of Himachal Central University and Rajasthan University.

The conference emphasized the role of distance learning Institutes in enhancing the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) and improving the quality of distance mode education.

The speakers also underlined the need for integrating technology in the delivery of services and in imparting education through distance mode.

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