The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Narendra Modi with his Hindu appeasement on superspreader Kumbh has pushed India into a Covid Tsunami. This was deliberately done in an election year to garner Hindu votes in the states of Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Puducherry. The Kumbh Mela or Fair was deliberately advanced to take political mileage in the elections as the popularity of Narendra Modi tumbled down to its nadir. The result is a march past of dead bodies in the house after house, in state after state seeing non-stop listing of funeral pyres 24 X 7.
A full-scale Kumbh Mela was allowed, advanced by a year for ‘astrological reasons.’ About 48.5 lakh (4.8 million) ritualistic bathers registered their presence at the Kumbh before it was dramatically made ‘symbolic!’ The damage was done. As lakhs of hardcore ritualists sought to wash away their sins, they knowingly added another sin by moving in close proximity without masks and sanitizers bathing, eating, and drinking together. There was a complete disregard to the Covid-19 protocols. Reports began emerging of thousands of people getting infected with Covid-19. Many saffron-robed ritualists including a Mahamandaleshwar perished due to the self-invited disaster.
The health infrastructure began to crumble in the country. The Hindu Hriday Samrat Narendra Modi, who was busy giving oxygen to the flames of anti-Muslim hate rhetoric of so-called appeasement of Muslims, suddenly came face to face with the reality that there was a terrible shortage of medical oxygen almost throughout the country. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia were pleaded by Narendra Modi to wage Oxygen Jihad and save the lives of Hindus in India, who were gasping for breath! The UAE and Saudi Arabia responded with generous loads of medical oxygen supplies to India. From now onwards, the Kumbh returned critically hospitalized Hindutva crowds will breathe the Muslim oxygen! They should remember this before setting fire to a poor Muslim’s hut or a roadside business in an anti-Muslim riot.
The Hindutva leader Narendra Modi addressed rally after rally in the poll-bound states throwing caution to the winds. A rally in West Bengal held on last Saturday was so huge that he said he had not seen one such before. That was also the day Manmohan Singh’s letter on the Covid-19 situation and vaccinations arrived. Narendra Modi was not wearing a mask and the saffron Muslim haters too were not wearing the masks. They were herded like cattle with no physical distancing. They had assembled to hear Modi about Mamata Banerjee’s so-called ‘Muslim Appeasement!’ The ‘appeasement’ record was played again and again in West Bengal, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and even in Kerala. Bengalis are promised that if BJP comes to power, it will stop (Muslim) infiltration in Bengal and Assam. In a way, Modi and Amit Shah admitted that the BJP though in power since 2014, failed to stop infiltration! The Hindu infiltrators will be given citizenship of India and they will be the new vote bank of the BJP.
It is Narendra Modi, who led the new Covid-19 Curve surge in this second wave. In his blind hate and contempt of Muslims, Modi forgot that he happens to be the prime minister of the country. He left the administration of the country completely paralyzed. When Modi’s presence was needed in the capital New Delhi to preside over urgent Covid-19 matters and take decisions, he was hopping from one state to another reminding Hindus that they were the ‘victims’ in the country as all the resources were usurped by the Muslims due to appeasement. True! The Muslims had the best of education and all the jobs. Hindus had no finances. Poor Hindus like Ambanis, Adanis, and Mallya’s can be seen in their tattered jeans. They do not have food to put into their mouths.
Will the judiciary answer as to why the Kumbh was allowed even during the pandemic? If the Tablighi Markaz is allowed less than 100 people to pray even during the holy month of Ramadan, why were millions of Hindus allowed to assemble for Kumbh Mela? The members of the Tablighi Jamaat were abused, harassed, and even jailed. Why are the superspreaders from Kumbh allowed to go Scott free? Why are no cases registered against the Kumbh superspreaders? Why not take over stadiums to isolate them for saving the entire country. Who will pay for the collapse of the health infra in the country? Bias and preferential treatment in matters of justice will not be fair in the interest of our country! Where is the lapdog Modi media hiding? They used to bark at the prime time about the Tablighi superspreaders. The lapdog Modi media seems to be naked at the Kumbh. Are they busy covering their unwashable sins?
Mania was created by the Sanghi hotheads — Har Har Modi! Ghar Ghar Modi! For now, it is Har Ghar Maut (death). Truly, Modi seems to have arrived at every house! Only the Oxygen Jihad can save them now!
Will Prime Minister Narendra Modi own up and resign now? Let somebody take up leadership of the country and save the remaining Indians. Modi does not own India. It belongs to our youth.
Ye Desh Hai Veer Jawano Ka
Alabelon Ka Mastaano Ka
Is Desh Ka Yaaron Hoy!!
Is Desh Ka Yaaron Kya Kehna
Ye Desh Hai Duniyaa Ka Gehna