
Consultative Convention of ‘ Initiative for Opening English Medium Schools in Minority Concentrated Areas’

Abdul Hafiz Gandhi for BeyondHeadlines

We all know that Muslim minority in India is educationally quite backward. This fact has aptly been proved by Sacchar and other commissions appointed by the government of India. We have waited too long for the government to act on the promise to provide education and other facilities in minority concentrated areas. There seems no point in waiting anymore, so now community has to come forward and take its own initiatives to open English medium schools in these areas. In order to find the possibility of opening these schools, there is an urgent need on the part of the community to meet and discuss about this issue. Education is the need of the hour. No community can progress without education in this competitive world. Keeping in view this, we are inviting concerned people to assemble at one place and debate the issue threadbare to reach any conclusion.

In consultation with many concerned people, we have fixed 18th and 19th December, 2012 as the date for organizing a consultative convention of ‘ Initiative for Opening English Medium Schools in Minority Concentrated Areas’.

18th December is the International Minorities Day and hence appropriate day for initiating this Endeavour.

The venue will be in Delhi, which will be intimated in due course of time. We have received hundreds of names both from India and abroad for this convention and will invite them all for making this process inclusive and wider.

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