
Iran is Ready to Bring Back and Treat Injured Palestinians from Gaza

M. Rehan Ansari for BeyondHeadlines

Mumbai : Masood Khaliqi Consulate General of Iran announced that Iran is ready to take the responsibility of wounded Palestinians and treat them in their hospital. He said, “Gaza is the largest Prison on this earth. Israel is committing a barbarism by killing innocents even bombarded the Relief camps. He was speaking over a meet organised by Jamaat e Islami Hind Maharashtra in Mumbai on  international Quds day, commemorated all over the world on the last Friday of Ramadan.

Iran is not allowed to bring back the injured civilians for the treatment even the Aid is not allowed to send.” He also admit the regret the silence of the Muslim World on the issue. With heavy heart and deep pain, He condemn the killing of innocent civilians by the Israel and call for Unity among Muslim Nations. He said, “With the reserves of Oil and brave Arabs Muslim nations must come together and help the Palestinians. Their silence is hardened the Israelis and they are getting courage to kill more.” He said the war imposed on Palestine is not going to change the situation on the ground that Israel is an occupant and Palestinians have all the right to get their land freed.

He warned that if this unjust war does not stop, Hamas might come back. “Necessity is the mother of all the invention. Earlier the Palestinians resisted with stones now they have some missile and they can produce more sophisticated weapons and cause more pains to Israel.”

Israel must be declared a Rough State.

Israel must be declared  Rogue State for repeated violation of United Nations Resolutions, demanded Advocate Yusuf H Muchala, eminent lawyer of Supreme Court of India on Friday. He said Globalisation is incomplete without International laws which are evolving the Resolution of UN.

L-R. Dr.Salim Khan, Brahmchari Muktesh Anand, Adv.Yusuf Muchala, Maulana Mehmood Daryabadi, Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi, Aslam Gazi

L-R. Dr.Salim Khan, Brahmchari Muktesh Anand, Adv.Yusuf Muchala, Maulana Mehmood Daryabadi, Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi, Aslam Gazi

We are not against the Jews or Judaism but the Zionists and their illegal occupation of Palestinian land. He quoted an statement of a Jew who said, ” the way Israel is created has demolished the basic tenets of Judaism” . He added, “they are destroying the basis values  of all the religion and basic humanity.”

He also condemn the denial of resolution condemning Israel actions in Gaza.  He said, “Our Foreign Policy has changed after 1990 when Israel was allowed an embassy and now their clouts are growing in India too.” We are the largest importer of Arms and ammunitions for Israel.

We have to enlighten the public opinion about the conflicts of Palestine and Israel. our Indian brothers are misled through Islamophobia by the rationalists on News Channels debate.  He said, “Our friendship and strategic ties with Israel should not be on the cost of Freedom of Speech. If they have the right to do whatever they do, we have the right to say against the atrocities even to our friends.”

Pope Francis must interfere and explain Christianity to Americans who are supporting Israel.

Comparing the India’s occupation by Birtishers with Israeli occupation of Palestinians land, Balbrahmchari shri Muktesh Anand a religious leader said, “We forgot the spirit of Religion.” He call upon  Pope Francis, the religious head of Christianity  to come forward and teach Christianity to Americans first and then spread it to others.” Without the American Support Israel can’t do anything he added.

Objectives of attack on Palestine.

Explaining about the current attack of Israel on Gaza that killed approximately 700 civilians and more than 20 soldiers, Author and Columnist, Dr. Salim Khan, describe the motives behind the unjust war. He said, ” there are few short term objectives and a long term one behind this war.”

Internal Political pressure from far right wingers on Israel’s Prime Minister, Unity government formed by PLO and Hamas,  and to threaten Palestinians are  short term objectives of this war. whereas the ultimate aim is to reverse the Egyptian led truce pact between Israel and Hamas of 2012 when the Morsi led Egyptian government open the border and blockade of Gaza.

He informed that 2100 tonnes of bombs were exploded in a Palestinian Village but that does not threaten Palestinians. “These threats worked against their objectives and People of Palestine living under PLO hold agitation which was rare earlier.”

Protest against changing in Indian Foreign Policy.

With the tears in eyes Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi explain the killings and causalities of Palestinians and slam the Muslim Countries Silence. He came down heavily against the Modi led NDA governments rejection of a resolution in the Parliament and change of foreign Policy. He said, “We must also protest against the changing foreign policy which was established by father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru to support the colonised country Palestine and condemn the Imperialists and Colonial powers.” He asked the Indian Government to clear its stand whether they with the oppressor or the oppressed.

Agitation in Latur

Agitation in Latur

Boycott Israeli Products

Maulana Mehmood Daryabadi urged the Indians to Boycott Israeli Products. HE said, “All the Indians must follow the route shown by Mumbai’s Hoteliers and Muslims of Boycotting the Israeli Products till the Palestine is Free.

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind commemorate Quds  day all over Maharashtra.

Jalna, PArbhani, Aurangabad, Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Latur, Jamaat e Islami Maharashtra and Students Islamic Organisation- SIO, hold many agitation, run signature campaign in thousand of Mosques throughout Maharashtra on Yamul Quds.

Women wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Maharashtra

Women wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind Maharashtra

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