
Shia Point Requests Home Minister for Police Bandobast at Dargah Shahe Mardan, Jor Bagh

A premier Shia organization, Shia Point wrote to India’s home minister Shri Raj Nath Singh requesting him for proper Police bandobast to commemorate sacrifices of Imam Husain at Dargah Shahe Mardan, Karbala, Jor Bagh in New Delhi. Reproduced below is the letter, dated October 13, 2014. – Editor


Hon’ble Home Minister,

I am taking prestigious opportunity of introducing ‘Shia Point’ as a non-profitable social organization to contribute in restoration of Bhartiya Ganga Jamuna Culture. India is a mosaic of myriad religious fabrics, known for its unity/strength in diversity. Followers of different religious faiths live seamlessly & harmoniously in India and participate enthusiastically in celebrations of festivals of others’ religions, irrespective of personal faith and belief.

Moharram is the best example of our composite culture. It is the most important month of Islamic Calendar, commencing from October 26 this year. Initial 10 days of Moharram are too important. Imam Husain (peace be upon him), the beloved grandson of Holy Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) was forced to land at Karbala, Iraq on Moharram 2, 61 Hijri i.e. on 1st October 680 AD, along-with his family and ardent followers. He was pressurized to sign allegiance to Yazid, the tyrant and mightiest ruler of his time. An allegiance was tantamount to put stamp of approval over nefarious plans of Yazeed to undo reformations brought by Holy Prophet SA. Imam Husain preferred to lay down his life along-with his 71 companions tolerating three days of continuous hunger and thirst.

Indians have a “Dardka Rishta” with Imam Husain. Hindus take equal part in Moharram with Muslims in India. However, some miscreants are planning to disturb peace during Moharram at Dargah Shahe Mardan, Jor Bagh. It is evident from the recent incident that took place on October 11, 2014, when Khuddam of Dargah were attacked by miscreants, while they were cleaning Naqqar Khana Wakf land of Dargah in the wake cleanliness call given by our Honb’le Prime Minister and in preparations of Moharram functions. Ironically, Police remained silent spectators. Stoning was not spur of the moment decision but done in planned way, since vehicles of residents of BK Dutt colony were removed from the scene before damaging vehicles of residents of Dargah. Not only khuddam were targeted but stones were pelted over Holy Shrines as well, to provoke them. I appreciate patience of Khuddam of Dargah maintained their cool did not retaliate to avoid any untoward incident.

It may be noted that Dargah is not only an important Shrine simply, but being situated heart of capital, it is considered as community center of 5 crore strong Indian Shia Community. Further, to appraise your honor that our days of mourning are commencing from October 26 and shall last till December 31, 2014.Two important processions staring from Old walled city will terminate at Dargah on December 14 and December 31. Lakhs of devotees will take part in both the processions. Historical importance of these processions may be assessed from the fact that these processions were not discontinued even in 1947 and Late Vyas Deo Misra, former chief Justice of Himachal led the procession. Further, only these two religious processions are permitted to pass through Raj Path.

Precautions should be taken in advance and proper Police bandobast should be made. I would like to mention that similar situation arose in 1998 when Shri Jagmohan, the Rural Development Minister of that time wanted to develop Public park demolishing boundary wall of Choti Karbala, another piece of wakf land. However, NDMC was persuaded to repair the wall. But they installed a gate locked it and retained the key. Demonstration was held against this unwarranted action, led by famous Theatre Personality Padam Shri, Shri Amir Raza Husain, a known member of BJP. He and others were lathi charged. Police did not lodge complaint of injured. On the contrary FIR were lodged against them alleging that Police was hurt by demonstrators. While Shri Amir Raza Husain and more than 70 demonstrators were hurt badly.

Similar situation was going to repeat on 28th April 2004, i.e. on the commemorating day of our ayyamaza (Period of condolence). In the capacity of the president of Anjuman Haidri I requested Shri Arif Mohd Khan to intervene. He called me at Lucknow, and organized meeting with Shri AB Vajpaee, at Raj Bhawan, in the presence of Smt. Sushma Swaraj, I was assured full cooperation of BJP if NDA forms the government. Which unfortunately could not happen.

Presently, you are the Minister of Home Affairs, matter falls under your purview. It is believed that you called on Maulana Kalbe Jawad Saheb before Parliament elections assured him cooperation in the matter.

I would request your honor to take precautionary measures and do not let peace be disturbed to please handful of miscreants of BK Dutt Colony.

Looking forward for earnest action.

With warmest regards.

Very truly yours

For Shia Point

Zaheer Zaidi


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