
Admission for Distance Learning Courses including B.Ed. and MBA begins in Jamia

BeyondHeadlines News Desk

New Delhi: Process for admission in various courses including B.Ed. and M.B.A. at Centre for Distance and Open Learning (CDOL), Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has begun and application forms and prospectus can be downloaded from the university’s website:

The last date for submission of admission form for B.Ed. and M.B.A. is July 22, 2019. Entrance test for admission would be conducted on August 3, 2019 for M.B.A. and August 4, 2019 for B.Ed.

Process for spot admission in post-graduate programmes in English, History, Hindi, Sociology, Education, Political Science, Public Administration, M.Com. & MA. HRM will be completed by August 31, 2019.

Admission for under-graduate courses – B.A. (General), BBA, B.Com., BCIBF, Diploma and Certificate courses offered through the Distance Mode will also be completed by August 31, 2019. Details of the courses along with admission form and prospectus are available at the website.

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